Titian: Themes and Variations
It has always been well-known that throughout his long career the great Venetian painter Titian (c. 1490-1576) produced numerous variants after his most successful compositions. Sometimes these were executed more-or-less completely by the master himself, but more often they were produced in collaboration with his workshop assistants. The practicalities involved in this process of variation and replication have been a topic of growing scholarly attention in recent years, using the tools both of traditional connoisseurship and of innovative scientific investigation. Taking as its starting point ‘The Baptism of Christ’ in the A. G. Leventis Gallery, the present volume consists of a number of case studies of particular compositions, together with other studies of the ways in which Titian sought to vary and diffuse his imagery, thereby adding further to his already very great fame.
Editor: Peter Humfrey
Title: Titian: Themes and Varitations
Publisher: The A. G. Leventis Gallery and Mandragora
Year of publication: 2022
Language: English
Pages: 231
Cover: Hard
ISBN: 978-88-7461-587-2
Code: 110973
Dimensions (cm): 25.50 x 30.00 x 2.20
Price: €58.25